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  • New Zealand
  • Anthisan Cream
  • 2%
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Buy Anthisan Cream - mepyramine maleate - 2% - 25g Anthisan Cream mepyramine maleate Brand New Zealand 2% 25g OTC $10.36 Add

Medicines have benefits and some have risks. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your health professional. Brands and generics both contain the same active ingredient(s) and are medically equivalent. Some brands are marketed under different names by the same manufacturer depending on the country of origin. Images are provided as a reference only, the received medicine may vary in packaging, color, pill shape, etc, from one batch to the next. For an item marked "generic" any quality brand may be sent, however you will always receive the active ingredients ordered in the strength(s) ordered.

Anthisan Cream (mepyramine maleate) is a topical treatment used to minimize symptoms of allergic reactions on the skin, such as from insect bites or stings or contact with plants such as stinging nettles or poison ivy. It may be used in patients 2 years old and up.

It can be difficult to buy Anthisan Cream in some areas, perhaps most notably the United states, though it is often imported by individuals. It is widely-used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, and much of Africa, India and Asia.

The medication is sold under a number of brand names, and in many areas patients can also buy Anthisan Cream as the generic mepyramine maleate. It also sold as pyrilamine maleate, among other names, for veterinary use.

Getting the most from Anthisan Cream

Anthisan cream is an antihistamine which blocks histamine receptors. Unable to bind with histamine receptors, histamine is unable to trigger the responses which create uncomfortable symptoms of:

  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Rash

The medication minimizes or eliminates topical allergy symptoms, promoting rapid healing with minimal discomfort. Because little of the medication crosses the skin into the bloodstream, it will have no effect on allergy symptoms such as sneezing or watery eyes.

It is most commonly used to treat allergy symptoms resulting from:

  • Insect bites or stings
  • Skin contact with plants such as stinging nettles or poison ivy
  • Skin contact with allergens such as animals
  • Mild symptoms with an unknown cause

Anthisan Cream is applied as-needed to treat symptoms, with treatment ideally starting as soon as the first symptoms of a reaction are noticed:

  • Apply cream directly to the affected area and gently rub into the skin.
  • Do not cover application site with airtight bandages or clothing; skin should be allowed to breathe.
  • Repeat application if needed two or three times per day for up to three days.
  • If the condition is not significantly improved after three days, seek medical attention.

Most patients notice improvements in symptoms just minutes after cream application, though it may take 30 to 60 minutes for full benefits to be felt. Using the cream for longer than the recommended three days is unlikely to prove harmful, but if the medication has not already made a significant difference in the condition, continued use is unlikely to do so.

Equally important is when not to use Anthisan cream. Do not apply to:

  • Very large areas of skin
  • Broken skin
  • Infected skin
  • Sunburned skin
  • Chemical burns
  • Mucous membranes

Anthisan cream is very safe if used properly; it is very unlikely to produce serious side effects, has no known drug interactions, and there are no known dietary interactions. A small percentage of patients experience a mild reaction to the medication, which causes tenderness and a general worsening of symptoms. If this happens, stop using Anthisan Cream and speak with a doctor or pharmacist about other options. Patients with a history of allergic reactions to other medications are more likely to experience adverse reactions to Anthisan Cream.

Buy Anthisan Cream for Less at Kiwi Drug

At Kiwi Drug we strive to provide you, our clients, with access to the medications you need at affordable prices. We are a licensed pharmacy subject to the same regulatory oversight as any brick & mortar pharmacy, and as such we sell only authentic products from authorized manufacturers. You will never receive sub-par products of questionable origin from us!

Clients do not need a prescription to buy Anthisan Cream from Kiwi Drug. As mentioned above, this product may not be approved for use in all areas. International clients who buy Anthisan Cream from us are responsible for understanding and complying with any local regulations.


Anthisan Cream

I live in the United States and I have family in the UK. We have used anthisan for for many many years (even as a child) I have ordered several tubes online and given it to my daughter's when they mov...ed out, for their medicine chest! I have found nothing comparable, so thank you Anthisan for much relief over the years

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Sep 3, 2015

Beverley Brown

Anthisan Cream

Travelling NewZealand some years ago I found this wonderful cream. I live in Australia and have recently done the Western Coast and could not find its equal. I had just a bit left and use it when thi...ngs were really bad. Great news I have now found I can get it online.

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Mar 8, 2013


Anthisan Cream

While living in the Bahamas, I was tormented by sand fleas. Anthisan cream was the ONLY thing that gave me relief from the constant itching. I carried a tube in my purse and kept a tube on my night ...stand by my bed. I am back in the states and I am now using it on the mosquito bites. I highly recommend this for those itchy bug bites.

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Sep 6, 2009

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